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40 acres at the Park Office location has walking trails, a large playground, Splash Pad, pavilions, ball diamonds, soccer fields, an observation area with pergola, and our sand volleyball courts.


Scarbrough Playground

Theres a slide for all ages, conected to the Splash Pad this park is one of the Kids Favorites.

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Place Park

1st section at Place park has a great little play area for all ages. This Park is located close to Urey.

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Place Park 2

This portion of Place Park has three teeter totters, a section of swings, one large slide, and a merry-go-round.

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Baseball Fields at Scarbrough Park

The Baseball Fields at Scarbrough Park have 4 beautiful well groomed and maintenance fields. These fields are home to our WJL Baseball and Softball. This Park also houses our Concession Stand and bathrooms. You won't be disappointed when your watching games out here!


Tucker Trails

Recently dedicated to our former Superintendent these trails run thoughout the back of Scarbrough Park. Come walk and enjoy being with nature.

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Soccer Plex

The Soccer Plex is where we play all of our Youth Soccer games. There are 3 fields at this park.

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